This is just for fun and the only rule is: no researching. Post your smartest or, if you are playing on my level, embarrassing guesses in the comments. Reading other people's answers before posting your own is inconceivable! optional. Answer will be posted in the comments tonight.
Month: July 2015
Thoughts on Cecil
Regardless of where one falls on the rather broad spectrum of views on hunting, I think nearly everyone agrees that poachers - those who hunt animals illegally - are the worst of the worst. Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer is a poacher, having plead guilty in 2008 to a felony related to a bear he illegally killed … Continue reading Thoughts on Cecil
Alabama ACO Fails to Catch Loose Puppies, Guns Them Down
A litter of friendly puppies who appeared to be suffering from mange turned up near a golf club in Boaz, AL. Two pups were caught by local rescuers and are being treated for mange before they go up for adoption. The local ACO was called about the other pups who had wandered into someone's yard. … Continue reading Alabama ACO Fails to Catch Loose Puppies, Guns Them Down
Be Here Now: Loving Pets Available in Shelters
I was researching a public shelter and couldn't find a website for the facility so visited its page on Petfinder. At the top of that page, the shelter had a quote from another website which reads, in part: ALL SHELTER DOGS WERE ONCE NORMAL PUPPIES eager to learn how to live with people. Yet far too … Continue reading Be Here Now: Loving Pets Available in Shelters
ASPCA All Done with Bunny Publicity Now
In January and February 2015, the ASPCA and NYPD seized 175 rabbits from a woman in Brooklyn. The rabbits were reportedly living outdoors, suffering from syphilis, conjunctivitis and other illnesses. Logo jackets were donned, sad rabbits were displayed, photographs were taken and presumably, donations were collected. Since the seizure, approximately 60 more bunnies have been born. And the bills … Continue reading ASPCA All Done with Bunny Publicity Now
Weekend Jade
Open Thread
Post anything animal related in the comments, anytime. New Open Threads are posted weekly.
Treats on the Internets
Sea World announced the death of a 3 week old baby beluga born in captivity, referring to her as "it", thanking people "for their thoughts and support during this difficult time for our team" while failing to mention the mother at all. Also: fuck Sea World. Commentary on the grand jury's failure to indict the … Continue reading Treats on the Internets
Lost, Microchipped Pets – Emphasis on LOST
In theory, microchipping your pet is an excellent way to help get him back home should he ever get lost. In reality, microchips are useless if the organization taking in lost pets doesn't scan for them or contact the registered owner (and the alternate contacts, if necessary). There have been a spate of stories recently involving … Continue reading Lost, Microchipped Pets – Emphasis on LOST
Roswell: Some People Just Don’t Get It
The city of Roswell, New Mexico, whose mayor Dennis Kintigh may be under alien mind control, has an ordinance stating that lost and homeless animals must be killed after 7 days at the shelter, regardless of how many cages sit empty. Animal advocates have called for an end to that policy but the mayor and the police … Continue reading Roswell: Some People Just Don’t Get It