A Turn of the Century Flatcoated Retriever Family

Painting by Maud Earl of Champion Darenth (male) by Hopeful out of Donna. Source: Slaughter, F. E. (1898). The sportswoman's library, volume I. Westminster, England: Archibald Constable & Co. The following excerpts are from a 1902 article: Amongst the numerous owners of high-class flat-coated retrievers, Mr. L. Allen Shuter of Kirby Hall, Horton Kirby, Kent, … Continue reading A Turn of the Century Flatcoated Retriever Family

A Historical Collection of Setters

Painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes.Source: Fuertes, L. A. and Baynes, E. H. (1919, March). Our common dogs. The National Geographic Magazine, pp. 201-253 In the 1874 text below, the English, Irish and Gordon setters are introduced, the latter being referred to as the Scotch setter: Source: Richardson, H. D. (1874). Dogs: their origin and varieties; … Continue reading A Historical Collection of Setters