Painting by Maud Earl of Champion Darenth (male) by Hopeful out of Donna. Source: Slaughter, F. E. (1898). The sportswoman's library, volume I. Westminster, England: Archibald Constable & Co. The following excerpts are from a 1902 article: Amongst the numerous owners of high-class flat-coated retrievers, Mr. L. Allen Shuter of Kirby Hall, Horton Kirby, Kent, … Continue reading A Turn of the Century Flatcoated Retriever Family
Month: September 2023
Vintage Dogs on Point
(1) English setter Rapid Ranger of Bromfield, a field trial winner in England (2) (3) (4) Why are sound elbows and proper range of motion important? Imagine holding this pose for any length of time on malformed joints. (5) The male pointer Horton Roy (Champion Heather James X Horton Violet) pointing partridges. (6) (7) (8) … Continue reading Vintage Dogs on Point
A Historical Collection of Setters
Painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes.Source: Fuertes, L. A. and Baynes, E. H. (1919, March). Our common dogs. The National Geographic Magazine, pp. 201-253 In the 1874 text below, the English, Irish and Gordon setters are introduced, the latter being referred to as the Scotch setter: Source: Richardson, H. D. (1874). Dogs: their origin and varieties; … Continue reading A Historical Collection of Setters
Vintage Dogs and People IX
From Country Life, July 13, 1901. Vintage Dogs and People and Falcons should possibly be a separate post. From Country Life, October 19, 1901. Greyhounds from the kennel of English show judge Harding Cox pictured in Country Life, October 12, 1901. Country Life, October 26, 1901 This dog looks like a water spaniel. From Country … Continue reading Vintage Dogs and People IX
Vintage Field Trial Dogs III
Source: Anon. (1901, August 3). The field trials on grouse. Country Life, pp. 156-158 Field trial winning female, Tring. From Country Life, January 18, 1902. Bergholt Dart, winner of second place at the 1902 trials held by the Retriever Society in Norfolk, England, with owner Captain W. G. Eley. Bergholt Jill, winner of the second … Continue reading Vintage Field Trial Dogs III
Vintage Dog Deaths in the Papers
Forest and Stream, January 19, 1882 Breeder and Sportsman, March 21, 1885 Breeder and Sportsman, March 28, 1885 Dogdom, July 1903 Greyhound death in Breeder and Sportsman, October 31, 1903 Boston terrier death in Dogdom, June 1909 Photo of the dog mentioned above in a classified ad from Dogdom, February 1908 Perhaps the motto should … Continue reading Vintage Dog Deaths in the Papers
Book Announcement
The English setter Paul Gladstone, one of the dogs entered at the 1888 Columbus dog show. My new book, The Columbus Dog Show Fire, is now available in both paperback and e-book formats. It represents a year's worth of research into the worst tragedy that ever occurred at a dog show. Amazingly, the story was … Continue reading Book Announcement
Vintage Dogs: Smols V
Barbou, A. (1883). Le chien; son histoire, ses exploits, ses aventures. Paris: Jouvet et cie A fox terrier named Laura pictured in Country Life, October 5, 1901 She looks like a scrapper. Source: Anon. (1901, December 14). Mr. Blagg's Dandie Dinmonts. Country Life, pp. 782-784 Goldie Lee, a "French toy poodle" belonging to Oak Lawn … Continue reading Vintage Dogs: Smols V
Vintage Dog Families
Nine year old female Irish wolfhound Cheevra (Garryowen X Raheen) who produced multiple champions. Prize winning female Sheila (Champion Brian II X Cheevra), wheaten Prize winning female Wanda (Champion Brian II X Cheevra), wheaten Prize winning female Biddy (Champion Brian II X Cheevra), dark brindle, littermate to Sheila and Wanda Seventeen month old prize winning … Continue reading Vintage Dog Families
The Royal Kennels in 1902
Excerpts and photos from an article on the kennels at Windsor Castle and at Sandringham, the latter currently owned by King Charles III but in 1902 the country home of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra. This was said to be Queen Victoria's favorite view of the kennels at Windsor where she would sit and … Continue reading The Royal Kennels in 1902