Name That Animal

This is just for fun and the only rule is:  no researching.  Post your guesses in the comments.  Reading other people's answers before posting your own gets you sent to the kiddie table is optional.  Answer will be posted in the comments tomorrow.  

PETA Can Shove Its Fruit Basket Up Its Walk-In Dead Pet Freezer

When PETA got caught on surveillance camera trying - and failing - to lure an owned Chihuahua named Maya off her porch last year, ultimately stealing and killing the beloved pet, the group sent the cranks back to the scene of the crime.  They knocked on the door, told the family they had killed their dog and … Continue reading PETA Can Shove Its Fruit Basket Up Its Walk-In Dead Pet Freezer

CA Rescuer Charged with Cruelty, Pound Manager Not Charged with Irony

In April 2015, Apple Valley Animal Services seized 13 starving dogs from rescuer Sherre Kay Buell.  One dog was dead in a trash can on the property, one died on the way to the vet, and two had to be euthanized due to their poor condition.  Buell has been charged with 12 counts of felony … Continue reading CA Rescuer Charged with Cruelty, Pound Manager Not Charged with Irony

Sumner County’s State of the Art Shelter Stands on Crappy Floors

Sumner Co AC in TN is a hot mess.  After the pound's vet was caught on hidden camera heartsticking fully conscious dogs in 2007, reform was promised and the pound was put under the control of the sheriff's department.  Taxpayers spent $1.3 million to build a new facility in 2011. The sheriff ended the volunteer … Continue reading Sumner County’s State of the Art Shelter Stands on Crappy Floors