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Month: April 2016
Mental Health Break: Photo
Forsyth Co Punishes Elderly, Suffering Dog for Reacting to His Pain, and Other Horror Stories
The terrible Forsyth Co pound in NC continues to be terrible. The NC Department of Agriculture failed the facility on its March inspection and this month, fined the county $5200 for numerous violations of state laws. Among the violations outlined by the state: Animals whose records contained no indication of serious illness or injury were … Continue reading Forsyth Co Punishes Elderly, Suffering Dog for Reacting to His Pain, and Other Horror Stories
What Are You Guys Wearing to the Ceremony Honoring the Dog Skull Cracking Deputy?
An attorney for the off-duty Montgomery Co deputy who bashed a dog's brains in then adopted a different dog at the pound wrote a letter to the local paper to tell of his client's uh, heroism. The MCSO deputy, now identified as Keith Berger, says through his lawyer - and oh yes, I'm paraphrasing here … Continue reading What Are You Guys Wearing to the Ceremony Honoring the Dog Skull Cracking Deputy?
Weekend Jade
Open Thread
Post anything animal related in the comments, anytime. New Open Threads are posted weekly.
Louisiana Public Shelter Refuses to Shelter Animals
So you have a job and get a paycheck but when it comes to actually doing your job - that's optional, apparently. I wish someone would have mentioned this to me sooner! Parish animal control workers recently refused a deputy’s order to pick up dogs in a cruelty case, according to the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s … Continue reading Louisiana Public Shelter Refuses to Shelter Animals
Things What That Make Happy
The Worst Deja Vu Ever
This again. A man thought to be a potential adopter visited the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League in Mississippi on Friday, asked to see the cats, then allegedly beat one to a pulp before leaving. The guy was unsupervised as all the staff and vols at the private shelter were chasing a loose dog. The three … Continue reading The Worst Deja Vu Ever
One Dog Dead, Two Others Injured as Adopter Selects a Pet
Montgomery Co in Texas is investigating itself to determine how one of its off duty sheriff's deputies visited the county shelter to adopt a dog and ended up allegedly beating three dogs with a two-by-four in the back before having his adoption processed out front. (You probably want to go back and re-read that so … Continue reading One Dog Dead, Two Others Injured as Adopter Selects a Pet