Open Thread

Since I will be offline for the next few days while I'm at the No Kill Conference, I'm going to leave this open thread for anyone who wants to chit-chat, share pets or what-have-you.  Links are fine but I would limit them to no more than 2 per comment in order to avoid being snagged … Continue reading Open Thread

I miss you already.

Well, crud.  The pretty dog who caught my eye on the MAS webcam this morning was in a cage with what appeared to me to be two other dogs.  A reader sent me some photos this afternoon and it looks as if all three dogs were taken to the kill room.  [Insert profanity here.]

Memphis Police Asked to Investigate Threatening E-mail to Janis Fullilove

Someone reportedly e-mailed a threatening letter to Memphis Councilwoman Janis Fullilove.  These types of letters are unacceptable.  They are also inevitable in any type of high profile case of public outrage such as what's been happening with MAS.  There will always be a tiny minority of these types of letters generally sent by someone from … Continue reading Memphis Police Asked to Investigate Threatening E-mail to Janis Fullilove