Name That Animal

For anyone wandering around the internet this New Year's Eve, here is a little game with only one rule:  no researching.  Just post your best and/or lawlest guess  in the comments.  Reading other people's answers before posting your own is optional.  Answer will be posted in the comments later today.

Nobody WANTS to kill animals – CA Law Edition

CA state Senator Ted Lieu sponsored a pet related, HSUS backed bill that was signed by the governor in September and will take effect January 1, 2013.  Senator's Lieu's website makes the bill sound pretty good: Neglected or injured animals will no longer be returned to abusive owners[.] Pretty good, yes?  Hold your applause. The … Continue reading Nobody WANTS to kill animals – CA Law Edition

Police Kill Family Pet and Ticket Owner on Christmas Eve

Since two inmates from a federal jail in Chicago escaped last week, authorities have been tracking down various leads.  Police in Hazel Crest, IL suspected one of the escapees might be hiding in a home next door to Chanette Weaver.  They apparently searched the home early on December 24 and found nothing.  Ms. Weaver had … Continue reading Police Kill Family Pet and Ticket Owner on Christmas Eve

If you can’t own it, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it.

When the pound kills for "space" while cages sit empty, they blame the public for failing to neuter their pets. When the pound kills someone's lost pet instead of sending him back home, they blame the owner saying the pet should have been microchipped. When the pound kills someone's lost pet despite him having a … Continue reading If you can’t own it, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it.