Beagles and Hounds – Vintage Feeding Recommendations

From the book The Hunting Directory by Thomas Burgeland Johnson, 1830 From the book The Beagle in America and England by Henry Wilson Prentice, 1920 (although this section on feeding was written by Edward H. Carle) from the book Horse and Hound by Roger D. Williams, 1908 From the book The Hunting Directory by Thomas … Continue reading Beagles and Hounds – Vintage Feeding Recommendations

Vintage Dog Ads

Four from The American Field, 1895: If only they had a deck of cards. From the classifieds of The Breeder and Sportsman The Illustrated London News, July 14, 1888 Forest and Stream, 1890 From The Dog Fancier, January 1903 From The Dog Fancier, October 1903 From Dogdom magazine, July 1907