Saginaw Co Faces State Hearing Regarding Mistreatment of Shelter Animals

When I last wrote about the Saginaw Co pound in MI, it was to praise the local advocates who stood up for the animals being neglected at the pound, even after then-director Val McCullough instituted retaliatory policy changes in an attempt to stifle their efforts.  That was in August 2012.  Ms. McCullough quit in the … Continue reading Saginaw Co Faces State Hearing Regarding Mistreatment of Shelter Animals

One Less Vet in the World Willing to Take in a Homeless Cat and Treat Him for Free

An all too familiar story in the animal welfare world has ended in needless tragedy. In August 2013, a Good Samaritan found a sickly cat in a park in the Bronx and took him to Gentle Hands vet clinic. The clinic's owner, Dr. Shirley Koshi, took him in and nursed him back to health. Several … Continue reading One Less Vet in the World Willing to Take in a Homeless Cat and Treat Him for Free

Corpus Christi Pound Oops-Kills Owned Dog During Quarantine

The pound in Corpus Christi, TX is run by the police department.  On February 9, Corpus Christi Animal Care Services  impounded a dog named Bandit for quarantine after he reportedly bit a person.  The owner, Mary Trevino, was given a 10 day quarantine form by the impounding ACO, which she signed and kept her copy.  … Continue reading Corpus Christi Pound Oops-Kills Owned Dog During Quarantine

Someone is Talking about Ending the Culture of Killing! In the South!

Praise Ponies, this is a nice thing to read: "When we talk about no-kill, we're not talking about a definition," says Aubrie Kavanaugh, a member of No Kill Huntsville. "We're talking about a culture." [...] "If they're healthy and treatable, let's not destroy those animals," Kavanaugh says. "We don't need to be spending our money … Continue reading Someone is Talking about Ending the Culture of Killing! In the South!

“Human Error” Blamed for Oops-Killing in Prince George’s Co

Prince George's County in MD has had a body shape based ban on dogs since 1997.  Like every other similar ban, it tears families apart and offers no benefit of any kind.  But Prince George's Co continues to uphold the ban.  Because AHHH Pitbulls! When a bully breed type dog was surrendered at the Prince … Continue reading “Human Error” Blamed for Oops-Killing in Prince George’s Co