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4364 results sorted by ID

2024/2065 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-24
Partial Exposure Attacks Against a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems
George Teseleanu
Public-key cryptography

An RSA generalization using complex integers was introduced by Elkamchouchi, Elshenawy, and Shaban in 2002. This scheme was further extended by Cotan and Teșeleanu to Galois fields of order $n \geq 1$. In this generalized framework, the key equation is $ed - k (p^n-1)(q^n-1) = 1$, where $p$ and $q$ are prime numbers. Note that, the classical RSA, and the Elkamchouchi \emph{et al.} key equations are special cases, namely $n=1$ and $n=2$. In addition to introducing this generic family, Cotan...

2024/2058 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-20
Learning with Errors from Nonassociative Algebras
Andrew Mendelsohn, Cong Ling
Public-key cryptography

We construct a provably-secure structured variant of Learning with Errors (LWE) using nonassociative cyclic division algebras, assuming the hardness of worst-case structured lattice problems, for which we are able to give a full search-to-decision reduction, improving upon the construction of Grover et al. named `Cyclic Learning with Errors' (CLWE). We are thus able to create structured LWE over cyclic algebras without any restriction on the size of secret spaces, which was required for CLWE...

2024/2052 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-19
Improved Rejection Sampling for Compact Lattice Signatures
Joel Gärtner
Public-key cryptography

One of the primary approaches used to construct lattice-based signature schemes is through the “Fiat-Shamir with aborts” methodology. Such a scheme may abort and restart during signing which corresponds to rejection sampling produced signatures to ensure that they follow a distribution that is independent of the secret key. This rejection sampling is only feasible when the output distribution is sufficiently wide, limiting how compact this type of signature schemes can be. In this work,...

2024/2032 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-16
Carousel: Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Slot Blind Rotation Technique
Seonhong Min, Yongsoo Song
Public-key cryptography

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables secure computation of functions on ciphertexts without requiring decryption. Specifically, AP-like HE schemes exploit an intrinsic bootstrapping method called blind rotation. In blind rotation, a look-up table is homomorphically evaluated on the input ciphertext through the iterative multiplication of monomials. However, the algebraic structure of the multiplicative group of monomials imposes certain limitations on the input and output plaintext...

2024/2026 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-14
Orbweaver: Succinct Linear Functional Commitments from Lattices
Ben Fisch, Zeyu Liu, Psi Vesely
Public-key cryptography

We present Orbweaver, a plausibly post-quantum functional commitment for linear relations that achieves quasilinear prover time together with $O(\log n)$ proof size and polylogarithmic verifier time. Orbweaver enables evaluation of linear functions on committed vectors over cyclotomic rings and the integers. It is extractable, preprocessing, non-interactive, structure-preserving, and supports compact public proof aggregation. The security of our scheme is based on the $k$-$R$-ISIS assumption...

2024/2018 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-18
On the BUFF Security of ECDSA with Key Recovery
Keita Emura
Public-key cryptography

In the usual syntax of digital signatures, the verification algorithm takes a verification key in addition to a signature and a message, whereas in ECDSA with key recovery, which is used in Ethereum, no verification key is input to the verification algorithm. Instead, a verification key is recovered from a signature and a message. In this paper, we explore BUFF security of ECDSA with key recovery (KR-ECDSA), where BUFF stands for Beyond UnForgeability Features (Cremers et al., IEEE S&P...

2024/2014 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-13
On the Traceability of Group Signatures: Uncorrupted User Must Exist
Keita Emura
Public-key cryptography

Group signature (GS) is a well-known cryptographic primitive providing anonymity and traceability. Several implication results have been given by mainly focusing on the several security levels of anonymity, e.g., fully anonymous GS implies public key encryption (PKE) and selfless anonymous GS can be constructed from one-way functions and non-interactive zero knowledge poofs, and so on. In this paper, we explore an winning condition of full traceability: an adversary is required to produce a...

2024/2004 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-13
Regev's attack on hyperelliptic cryptosystems
Razvan Barbulescu, Gaetan Bisson
Public-key cryptography

Hyperelliptic curve cryptography (HECC) is a candidate to standardization which is a competitive alternative to elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). We extend Regev's algorithm to this setting. For genus-two curves relevant to cryptography, this yields a quantum attack up to nine times faster than the state-of-the-art. This implies that HECC is slightly weaker than ECC. In a more theoretical direction, we show that Regev's algorithm obtains its full speedup with respect to Shor's when the...

2024/2000 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-11
Evasive LWE Assumptions: Definitions, Classes, and Counterexamples
Chris Brzuska, Akin Ünal, Ivy K. Y. Woo
Public-key cryptography

The evasive LWE assumption, proposed by Wee [Eurocrypt'22 Wee] for constructing a lattice-based optimal broadcast encryption, has shown to be a powerful assumption, adopted by subsequent works to construct advanced primitives ranging from ABE variants to obfuscation for null circuits. However, a closer look reveals significant differences among the precise assumption statements involved in different works, leading to the fundamental question of how these assumptions compare to each other. In...

2024/1999 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-11
Multivariate Encryptions with LL’ perturbations - Is it possible to repair HFE in encryption? -
Jacques Patarin, Pierre Varjabedian
Public-key cryptography

We will present here new multivariate encryption algorithms. This is interesting since few multivariate encryption scheme currently exist, while their exist many more multivariate signature schemes. Our algorithms will combine several ideas, in particular the idea of the LL’ perturbation originally introduced, but only for signature, in [GP06]. In this paper, the LL’ perturbation will be used for encryption and will greatly differ from [GP06]. As we will see, our algorithms resists to all...

2024/1993 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-09
BOIL: Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation of Correlated Holographic IOPs
Tohru Kohrita, Maksim Nikolaev, Javier Silva
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we present a batching technique for oracles corresponding to codewords of a Reed–Solomon code. This protocol is inspired by the round function of the STIR protocol (CRYPTO 2024). Using this oracle batching protocol, we propose a construction of a practically efficient accumulation scheme, which we call BOIL. Our accumulation scheme can be initiated with an arbitrary correlated holographic IOP, leading to a new class of PCD constructions. The results of this paper were...

2024/1983 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-08
UTRA: Universe Token Reusability Attack and Verifiable Delegatable Order-Revealing Encryption
Jaehwan Park, Hyeonbum Lee, Junbeom Hur, Jae Hong Seo, Doowon Kim
Public-key cryptography

As dataset sizes continue to grow, users face increasing difficulties in performing processing tasks on their local machines. From this, privacy concerns about data leakage have led data owners to upload encrypted data and utilize secure range queries to cloud servers. To address these challenges, order-revealing encryption (ORE) has emerged as a promising solution for large numerical datasets. Building on this, delegatable order-revealing encryption (DORE) was introduced, allowing...

2024/1979 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-06
On the Security of LWE-based KEMs under Various Distributions: A Case Study of Kyber
Mingyao Shao, Yuejun Liu, Yongbin Zhou, Yan Shao
Public-key cryptography

Evaluating the security of LWE-based KEMs involves two crucial metrics: the hardness of the underlying LWE problem and resistance to decryption failure attacks, both significantly influenced by the secret key and error distributions. To mitigate the complexity and timing vulnerabilities of Gaussian sampling, modern LWE-based schemes often adopt either the uniform or centered binomial distribution (CBD). This work focuses on Kyber to evaluate its security under both distributions. Compared...

2024/1977 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-20
Bounded CCA Secure Proxy Re-encryption Based on Kyber
Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography

Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows semi-honest party (called proxy) to convert a ciphertext under a public key into a ciphertext under another public key. Due to this functionality, there are various applications such as encrypted email forwarding, key escrow, and securing distributed file systems. Meanwhile, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is one of the most important research areas because development of quantum computers has been advanced recently. In particular, there are many researches...

2024/1960 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-03
Share the MAYO: thresholdizing MAYO
Sofia Celi, Daniel Escudero, Guilhem Niot
Public-key cryptography

We present the first comprehensive study on thresholdizing practical OV-based signature schemes, specifically focusing on MAYO and UOV. Our approach begins by addressing the challenges associated with thresholdizing algorithms that sample solutions to linear equation systems of the form $Ax = y$, which are fundamental to OV-based signature schemes. Previous attempts have introduced levels of leakage that we deem insecure. We propose a novel minimum-leakage solution and assess its...

2024/1958 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-03
M-Sel: A Message Selection Functional Encryption from Simple Tool
Ahmad Khoureich Ka
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we put forward a new practical application of Inner-Product Functional Encryption (IPFE) that we call Message Selection functional encryption (M-Sel) which allows users to decrypt selected portions of a ciphertext. In a message selection functional encryption scheme, the plaintext is partitioned into a set of messages M = {m1, . . . , mt}. The encryption of M consists in encrypting each of its elements using distinct encryption keys. A user with a functional decryption key skx...

2024/1956 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-03
MultiReg-FE: Registered FE for Unbounded Inner-Product and Attribute-Weighted Sums
Qiuyan Du, Qiaohan Chu, Jie Chen, Man Ho Au, Debiao He
Public-key cryptography

Recently, Francati et al. (Asiacrypt 2023) provided the first registered functional encryption (Reg-FE) beyond predicates. Reg-FE addresses the key escrow problem in functional encryption by allowing users to generate their own key pairs, effectively replacing the traditional private-key generator with a key curator. The key curator holds no secret information and runs deterministic algorithms to generate master public key for encryption and helper keys for decryption. However, existing...

2024/1952 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-02
Worst-Case Lattice Sampler with Truncated Gadgets and Applications
Corentin Jeudy, Olivier Sanders
Public-key cryptography

Gadget-based samplers have proven to be a key component of several cryptographic primitives, in particular in the area of privacy-preserving mechanisms. Most constructions today follow the approach introduced by Micciancio and Peikert (MP) yielding preimages whose dimension linearly grows with that of the gadget. To improve performance, some papers have proposed to truncate the gadget but at the cost of an important feature of the MP sampler, namely the ability to invert arbitrary syndromes....

2024/1947 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-02
One-More Unforgeability for Multi- and Threshold Signatures
Sela Navot, Stefano Tessaro
Public-key cryptography

This paper initiates the study of one-more unforgeability for multi-signatures and threshold signatures as a stronger security goal, ensuring that ℓ executions of a signing protocol cannot result in more than ℓ signatures. This notion is widely used in the context of blind signatures, but we argue that it is a convenient way to model strong unforgeability for other types of distributed signing protocols. We provide formal security definitions for one-more unforgeability (OMUF) and show that...

2024/1945 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-30
Multi-Client Attribute-Based and Predicate Encryption from Standard Assumptions
David Pointcheval, Robert Schädlich
Public-key cryptography

Multi-input Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a generalization of key-policy ABE where attributes can be independently encrypted across several ciphertexts, and a joint decryption of these ciphertexts is possible if and only if the combination of attributes satisfies the policy of the decryption key. We extend this model by introducing a new primitive that we call Multi-Client ABE (MC-ABE), which provides the usual enhancements of multi-client functional encryption over multi-input...

2024/1940 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-29
A Comprehensive Review of Post-Quantum Cryptography: Challenges and Advances
Seyed MohammadReza Hosseini, Hossein Pilaram
Public-key cryptography

One of the most crucial measures to maintain data security is the use of cryptography schemes and digital signatures built upon cryptographic algorithms. The resistance of cryptographic algorithms against conventional attacks is guaranteed by the computational difficulties and the immense amount of computation required to them. In the last decade, with the advances in quantum computing technology and the realization of quantum computers, which have higher computational power compared to...

2024/1933 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-28
On Concrete Security Treatment of Signatures Based on Multiple Discrete Logarithms
George Teseleanu
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we present a generalization of Schnorr's digital signature that allows a user to simultaneously sign multiple messages. Compared to Schnorr's scheme that concatenates messages and then signs them, the new protocol takes advantage of multiple threads to process messages in parallel. We prove the security of our novel protocol and discuss different variants of it. Last but not least, we extend Ferradi et al.'s co-signature protocol by exploiting the inherent parallelism of our...

2024/1924 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-27
The complexity of solving a random polynomial system
Giulia Gaggero, Elisa Gorla
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we discuss what it means for a polynomial system to be random and how hard it is to solve a random polynomial system. We propose an algebraic definition of randomness, that we call algebraic randomness. Using a conjecture from commutative algebra, we produce a sharp upper bound for the degree of regularity, hence the complexity of solving an algebraically random polynomial system by Groebner bases methods. As a proof of concept, we apply our result to Rainbow and GeMSS and...

2024/1923 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-27
Implementation analysis of index calculus method on elliptic curves over prime finite fields
Jianjun HU
Public-key cryptography

In 2016,Petit et al. first studied the implementation of the index calculus method on elliptic curves in prime finite fields, and in 2018, Momonari and Kudo et al. improved algorithm of Petit et al. This paper analyzes the research results of Petit, Momonari and Kudo, and points out the existing problems of the algorithm. Therefore, with the help of sum polynomial function and index calculus, a pseudo-index calculus algorithm for elliptic curves discrete logarithm problem over prime finite...

2024/1921 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-26
Downlink (T)FHE ciphertexts compression
Antonina Bondarchuk, Olive Chakraborty, Geoffroy Couteau, Renaud Sirdey
Public-key cryptography

This paper focuses on the issue of reducing the bandwidth requirement for FHE ciphertext transmission. While this issue has been extensively studied from the uplink viewpoint (transmission of encrypted inputs towards a FHE calculation) where several approaches exist to essentially cancel FHE ciphertext expansion, the downlink case (transmission of encrypted results towards an end-user) has been the object of much less attention. In this paper, we address this latter issue with a particular...

2024/1920 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-26
An Extended Hierarchy of Security Notions for Threshold Signature Schemes and Automated Analysis of Protocols That Use Them
Cas Cremers, Aleksi Peltonen, Mang Zhao
Public-key cryptography

Despite decades of work on threshold signature schemes, there is still limited agreement on their desired properties and threat models. In this work we significantly extend and repair previous work to give a unified syntax for threshold signature schemes and a new hierarchy of security notions for them. Moreover, our new hierarchy allows us to develop an automated analysis approach for protocols that use threshold signatures, which can discover attacks on protocols that exploit the details...

2024/1916 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-25
Fast, Compact and Hardware-Friendly Bootstrapping in less than 3ms Using Multiple Instruction Multiple Ciphertext
Seunghwan Lee, Dohyuk Kim, Dong-Joon Shin
Public-key cryptography

This paper proposes a fast, compact key-size, and hardware-friendly bootstrapping using only 16-bit integer arithmetic and fully homomorphic encryption FHE16, which enables gate operations on ciphertexts using only 16-bit integer arithmetic. The proposed bootstrapping consists of unit operations on ciphertexts, such as (incomplete) number theoretic transform (NTT), inverse NTT, polynomial multiplication, gadget decomposition, and automorphism, under a composite modulus constructed from...

2024/1906 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-23
On Efficient Computations of Koblitz Curves over Prime Fields
Guangwu Xu, Ke Han, Yunxiao Tian
Public-key cryptography

The family of Koblitz curves $E_b: y^2=x^3+b/\mathbb{F}_p$ over primes fields has close connections to the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\omega]$ of Eisenstein integers. Utilizing nice facts from the theory of cubic residues, this paper derives an efficient formula for a (complex) scalar multiplication by $\tau=1-\omega$. This enables us to develop a window $\tau$-NAF method for Koblitz curves over prime fields. This probably is the first window $\tau$-NAF method to be designed for curves over fields...

2024/1903 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-15
Trustworthy Approaches to RSA: Efficient Exploitation Strategies Based on Common Modulus
Mahdi Mahdavi, Navid Abapour, Zahra Ahmadian
Public-key cryptography

With the increasing integration of crowd computing, new vulnerabilities emerge in widely used cryptographic systems like the RSA cryptosystem, whose security is based on the factoring problem. It is strongly advised to avoid using the same modulus to produce two pairs of public-private keys, as the cryptosystem would be rendered vulnerable to common modulus attacks. Such attacks can take two forms: one that aims to factorize the common modulus based on one key pair and the other that aims to...

2024/1893 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-24
High Speed High Assurance implementations of Multivariate Quadratic based Signatures
Samyuktha M, Pallavi Borkar, Chester Rebeiro
Public-key cryptography

In this poster, we present a Jasmin implementation of Mayo2, a multivariate quadratic(MQ) based signature scheme. Mayo overcomes the disadvantage of the Unbalanced oil and vinegar(UOV) scheme by whipping the UOV map to produce public keys of sizes comparable to ML-DSA. Our Jasmin implementation of Mayo2 takes 930 μs for keygen, 3206 μs for sign, 480 μs for verify based on the average of 1,00,000 runs of the implementation on a 2.25GHz x86 64 processor with 256 GB RAM. To this end, we have a...

2024/1865 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-14
Tightly-Secure Group Key Exchange with Perfect Forward Secrecy
Emanuele Di Giandomenico, Doreen Riepel, Sven Schäge
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we present a new paradigm for constructing Group Authenticated Key Exchange (GAKE). This result is the first tightly secure GAKE scheme in a strong security model that allows maximum exposure attacks (MEX) where the attacker is allowed to either reveal the secret session state or the long-term secret of all communication partners. Moreover, our protocol features the strong and realistic notion of (full) perfect forward secrecy (PFS), that allows the attacker to actively modify...

2024/1861 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-23
Another Lattice Attack Against an RSA-like Cryptosystem
George Teseleanu
Public-key cryptography

Let $N=pq$ be the product of two balanced prime numbers $p$ and $q$. In 2015, Roman'kov introduced an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that, unlike the classical RSA key equation $ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1$, uses the key equation $ed - k r = 1$, where $r | p-1$ and is a large prime number. In this paper, we study if small private key attacks based on lattices can be applied to Roman'kov's cryptosystem. More precisely, we argue that such attacks do not appear to be applicable to this scheme...

2024/1852 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-12
Faster algorithms for isogeny computations over extensions of finite fields
Shiping Cai, Mingjie Chen, Christophe Petit
Public-key cryptography

Any isogeny between two supersingular elliptic curves can be defined over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, however, this does not imply that computing such isogenies can be done with field operations in $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. In fact, the kernel generators of such isogenies are defined over extension fields of $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, generically with extension degree linear to the isogeny degree. Most algorithms related to isogeny computations are only efficient when the extension degree is small. This leads to...

2024/1844 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-10
KLaPoTi: An asymptotically efficient isogeny group action from 2-dimensional isogenies
Lorenz Panny, Christophe Petit, Miha Stopar
Public-key cryptography

We construct and implement an efficient post-quantum commutative cryptographic group action based on combining the SCALLOP framework for group actions from isogenies of oriented elliptic curves on one hand with the recent Clapoti method for polynomial-time evaluation of the CM group action on elliptic curves on the other. We take advantage of the very attractive performance of $(2^e, 2^e)$-isogenies between products of elliptic curves in the theta coordinate system. To successfully apply...

2024/1805 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-04
Smoothing Parameter and Shortest Vector Problem on Random Lattices
Amaury Pouly, Yixin Shen
Public-key cryptography

Lattice problems have many applications in various domains of computer science. There is currently a gap in the understanding of these problems with respect to their worst-case complexity and their average-case behaviour. For instance, the Shortest Vector problem (SVP) on an n-dimensional lattice has worst-case complexity $2^{n+o(n)}$ \cite{ADRS15}. However, in practice, people rely on heuristic (unproven) sieving algorithms of time complexity $2^{0.292n+o(n)}$ \cite{BeckerDGL16} to...

2024/1793 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-02
On the Jordan-Gauss graphs and new multivariate public keys
Vasyl Ustimenko, Tymoteusz Chojecki, Aneta Wróblewska
Public-key cryptography

We suggest two families of multivariate public keys defined over arbitrary finite commutative ring \(K\) with unity. The first one has quadratic multivariate public rule, this family is an obfuscation of previously defined cryptosystem defined in terms of well known algebraic graphs \(D(n, K)\) with the partition sets isomorphic to \(K^n\). Another family of cryptosystems uses the combination of Eulerian transformation of \(K[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]\) sending each variable \(x_i\) to a...

2024/1791 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-02
Discrete gaussian sampling for BKZ-reduced basis
Amaury Pouly, Yixin Shen
Public-key cryptography

Discrete Gaussian sampling on lattices is a fundamental problem in lattice-based cryptography. In this paper, we revisit the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based Metropolis-Hastings-Klein (MHK) algorithm proposed by Wang and Ling and study its complexity under the Geometric Series Assuption (GSA) when the given basis is BKZ-reduced. We give experimental evidence that the GSA is accurate in this context, and we give a very simple approximate formula for the complexity of the sampler that is...

2024/1790 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-02
Revisiting subgroup membership testing on pairing-friendly curves via the Tate pairing
Yu Dai, Debiao He, Dmitrii Koshelev, Cong Peng, Zhijian Yang
Public-key cryptography

In 2023, Koshelev proposed an efficient method for subgroup membership testing on a list of non-pairing-friendly curves via the Tate pairing. In fact, this method can also be applied to certain pairing-friendly curves, such as the BLS and BW13 families, at a cost of two small Tate pairings. In this paper, we revisit Koshelev's method to enhance its efficiency for these curve families. First, we present explicit formulas for computing the two small Tate pairings. Compared to the original...

2024/1789 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-04
Stealth and Beyond: Attribute-Driven Accountability in Bitcoin Transactions
Alberto Maria Mongardini, Daniele Friolo, Giuseppe Ateniese
Public-key cryptography

Bitcoin enables decentralized, pseudonymous transactions, but balancing privacy with accountability remains a challenge. This paper introduces a novel dual accountability mechanism that enforces both sender and recipient compliance in Bitcoin transactions. Senders are restricted to spending Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) that meet specific criteria, while recipients must satisfy legal and ethical requirements before receiving funds. We enhance stealth addresses by integrating compliance...

2024/1785 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-01
A General Quantum Duality for Representations of Groups with Applications to Quantum Money, Lightning, and Fire
John Bostanci, Barak Nehoran, Mark Zhandry
Public-key cryptography

Aaronson, Atia, and Susskind [Aaronson et al., 2020] established that efficiently mapping between quantum states $\ket{\psi}$ and $\ket{\phi}$ is computationally equivalent to distinguishing their superpositions $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|\psi\rangle + |\phi\rangle)$ and $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|\psi\rangle - |\phi\rangle)$. We generalize this insight into a broader duality principle in quantum computation, wherein manipulating quantum states in one basis is equivalent to extracting their value in a...

2024/1784 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-19
Fine-Grained Non-Interactive Key-Exchange without Idealized Assumptions, and Lower Bounds
Yuyu Wang, Chuanjie Su, Jiaxin Pan, Chunxiang Xu
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we study multi-party non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) in the fine-grained setting. More precisely, we propose three multi-party NIKE schemes in three computation models, namely, the bounded parallel-time, bounded time, and bounded storage models. Their security is based on a very mild assumption (e.g., NC1 ⊊ ⊕L/poly) or even without any complexity assumption. This improves the recent work of Afshar, Couteau, Mahmoody, and Sadeghi (EUROCRYPT 2023) that requires idealized...

2024/1780 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-01
ABE for Circuits with $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$-sized Keys from LWE
Valerio Cini, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

We present a key-policy attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme for circuits based on the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption whose key size is independent of the circuit depth. Our result constitutes the first improvement for ABE for circuits from LWE in almost a decade, given by Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan, and Wee (STOC 2013) and Boneh, et al. (EUROCRYPT 2014) -- we reduce the key size in the latter from $\mathsf{poly}(\mbox{depth},\lambda)$ to $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$. The starting point...

2024/1779 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-05
Ciphertext-Policy ABE from Inner-Product FE
Ahmad Khoureich Ka
Public-key cryptography

The enormous potential of Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) in the context of IoT has driven researchers to propose pairing-free ABE schemes that are suitable for resource-constrained devices. Unfortunately, many of these schemes turned out to be insecure. This fact seems to reinforce the point of view of some authors according to which instantiating an Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) in plain Decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) groups is impossible. In this paper, we provide a generic AND gate...

2024/1773 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-31
Universal Adaptor Signatures from Blackbox Multi-Party Computation
Michele Ciampi, Xiangyu Liu, Ioannis Tzannetos, Vassilis Zikas
Public-key cryptography

Adaptor signatures (AS) extend the functionality of traditional digital signatures by enabling the generation of a pre-signature tied to an instance of a hard NP relation, which can later be turned (adapted) into a full signature upon revealing a corresponding witness. The recent work by Liu et al. [ASIACRYPT 2024] devised a generic AS scheme that can be used for any NP relation---which here we will refer to as universal adaptor signatures scheme, in short UAS---from any one-way function....

2024/1769 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-15
A Closer Look at Falcon
Phillip Gajland, Jonas Janneck, Eike Kiltz
Public-key cryptography

Falcon is a winner of NIST's six-year post-quantum cryptography standardisation competition. Based on the celebrated full-domain-hash framework of Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan (GPV) (STOC'08), Falcon leverages NTRU lattices to achieve the most compact signatures among lattice-based schemes. Its security hinges on a Rényi divergence-based argument for Gaussian samplers, a core element of the scheme. However, the GPV proof, which uses statistical distance to argue closeness of...

2024/1766 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-30
Critical Round in Multi-Round Proofs: Compositions and Transformation to Trapdoor Commitments
Masayuki Abe, David Balbás, Dung Bui, Miyako Ohkubo, Zehua Shang, Mehdi Tibouchi
Public-key cryptography

In many multi-round public-coin interactive proof systems, challenges in different rounds serve different roles, but a formulation that actively utilizes this aspect has not been studied extensively. In this paper, we propose new notions called critical-round special honest verifier zero-knowledge and critical-round special soundness. Our notions are simple, intuitive, easy to apply, and capture several practical multi-round proof protocols including, but not limited to, those from the...

2024/1765 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-31
Compact and Tightly Secure (Anonymous) IBE from Module LWE in the QROM
Toi Tomita, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography

We present a new compact and tightly secure (anonymous) identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme based on structured lattices. This is the first IBE scheme that is (asymptotically) as compact as the most practical NTRU-based schemes and tightly secure under the module learning with errors (MLWE) assumption, known as the standard lattice assumption, in the (quantum) random oracle model. In particular, our IBE scheme is the most compact lattice-based scheme (except for NTRU-based schemes). We...

2024/1764 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-29
Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Efficient Public Verification
Mi-Ying (Miryam) Huang, Baiyu Li, Xinyu Mao, Jiapeng Zhang
Public-key cryptography

We present an efficient Publicly Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme that, along with being able to evaluate arbitrary boolean circuits over ciphertexts, also generates a succinct proof of correct homomorphic computation. Our scheme is based on FHEW proposed by Ducas and Micciancio (Eurocrypt'15), and we incorporate the GINX homomorphic accumulator (Eurocrypt'16) for improved bootstrapping efficiency. In order to generate the proof efficiently, we generalize the widely used Rank-1...

2024/1753 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-28
HTCNN: High-Throughput Batch CNN Inference with Homomorphic Encryption for Edge Computing
Zewen Ye, Tianshun Huang, Tianyu Wang, Yonggen Li, Chengxuan Wang, Ray C.C. Cheung, Kejie Huang
Public-key cryptography

Homomorphic Encryption (HE) technology allows for processing encrypted data, breaking through data isolation barriers and providing a promising solution for privacy-preserving computation. The integration of HE technology into Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) inference shows potential in addressing privacy issues in identity verification, medical imaging diagnosis, and various other applications. The CKKS HE algorithm stands out as a popular option for homomorphic CNN inference due to its...

2024/1744 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-29
PEARL-SCALLOP: Parameter Extension Applicable in Real-Life SCALLOP
Bill Allombert, Jean-François Biasse, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Péter Kutas, Chris Leonardi, Aurel Page, Renate Scheidler, Márton Tot Bagi
Public-key cryptography

A crucial ingredient for many cryptographic primitives such as key exchange protocols and advanced signature schemes is a commutative group action where the structure of the underlying group can be computed efficiently. SCALLOP provides such a group action, based on oriented supersingular elliptic curves. We present PEARL-SCALLOP, a variant of SCALLOP that changes several parameter and design choices, thereby improving on both efficiency and security and enabling feasible parameter...

2024/1737 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-29
Embedded Curves and Embedded Families for SNARK-Friendly Curves
Aurore Guillevic, Simon Masson
Public-key cryptography

Based on the CM method for primality testing (ECPP) by Atkin and Morain published in 1993, we present two algorithms: one to generate embedded elliptic curves of SNARK-friendly curves, with a variable discriminant D; and another to generate families (parameterized by polynomials) with a fixed discriminant D. When D = 3 mod 4, it is possible to obtain a prime-order curve, and form a cycle. We apply our technique first to generate more embedded curves like Bandersnatch with BLS12-381 and we...

2024/1736 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-23
A graph-theoretic approach to analyzing decoding failures of BIKE
Sarah Arpin, Tyler Raven Billingsley, Daniel Rayor Hast, Jun Bo Lau, Ray Perlner, Angela Robinson
Public-key cryptography

We present experimental findings on the decoding failure rate (DFR) of BIKE, a fourth-round candidate in the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization process, at the 20-bit security level using graph-theoretic approaches. We select parameters according to BIKE design principles and conduct a series of experiments using Rust to generate significantly more decoding failure instances than in prior work using SageMath. For each decoding failure, we study the internal state of the decoder at each...

2024/1734 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-23
Optimizing Message Range and Ciphertext Storage in GSW Encryption Using CRT and PVW-like Compression Scheme
Kung-Wei Hu, Huan-Chih Wang, Ja-Ling Wu
Public-key cryptography

This paper explores advancements in the Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) fully homomorphic encryption scheme, addressing challenges related to message data range limitations and ciphertext size constraints. We introduce a novel approach utilizing the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) for message decomposition, significantly expanding the allowable message range to the entire plaintext space. This method enables unrestricted message selection and supports parallel homomorphic operations without...

2024/1731 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-25
Arc: Accumulation for Reed--Solomon Codes
Benedikt Bünz, Pratyush Mishra, Wilson Nguyen, William Wang
Public-key cryptography

Proof-Carrying Data (PCD) is a foundational tool for ensuring the correctness of incremental distributed computations that has found numerous applications in theory and practice. The state-of-the-art PCD constructions are obtained via accumulation or folding schemes. Unfortunately, almost all known constructions of accumulation schemes rely on homomorphic vector commitments (VCs), which results in relatively high computational costs and insecurity in the face of quantum adversaries. A recent...

2024/1721 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-21
An Efficient Noncommutative NTRU from Semidirect Product
Vikas Kumar, Ali Raya, Aditi Kar Gangopadhyay, Sugata Gangopadhyay, Md Tarique Hussain
Public-key cryptography

NTRU is one of the most extensively studied lattice-based schemes. Its flexible design has inspired different proposals constructed over different rings, with some aiming to enhance security and others focusing on improving performance. The literature has introduced a line of noncommutative NTRU-like designs that claim to offer greater resistance to existing attacks. However, most of these proposals are either theoretical or fall short in terms of time and memory requirements when compared...

2024/1720 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-21
Pseudorandom Multi-Input Functional Encryption and Applications
Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

We construct the first multi-input functional encryption (MIFE) and indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) schemes for pseudorandom functionalities, where the output of the functionality is pseudorandom for every input seen by the adversary. Our MIFE scheme relies on LWE and evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) for constant arity functions, and a strengthening of evasive LWE for polynomial arity. Thus, we obtain the first MIFE and iO schemes for a nontrivial...

2024/1719 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-22
Compact Pseudorandom Functional Encryption from Evasive LWE
Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

We provide the first construction of compact Functional Encryption (FE) for pseudorandom functionalities from the evasive LWE and LWE assumptions. Intuitively, a pseudorandom functionality means that the output of the circuit is indistinguishable from uniform for every input seen by the adversary. This yields the first compact FE for a nontrivial class of functions which does not rely on pairings. We demonstrate the power of our new tool by using it to achieve optimal parameters for both...

2024/1709 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-02
Do Not Disturb a Sleeping Falcon: Floating-Point Error Sensitivity of the Falcon Sampler and Its Consequences
Xiuhan Lin, Mehdi Tibouchi, Yang Yu, Shiduo Zhang
Public-key cryptography

Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel...

2024/1706 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-21
State of the art of HFE variants Is it possible to repair HFE with appropriate perturbations?
Benoit COGLIATI, Gilles Macariot-Rat, Jacques Patarin, Pierre Varjabedian
Public-key cryptography

HFE (that stands for Hidden Field Equations) belongs to multivariate cryptography and was designed by Jacques Patarin in 1996 as a public key trapdoor suitable for encryption or signature. This original basic version is unfortunately known to have a super-polynomial attack, but as imagined since the beginning, it comes with various variants, one can describe as combinations of “modifiers”. In this work, we first present the state of the art of these HFE modifiers, along with their...

2024/1700 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-18
Does quantum lattice sieving require quantum RAM?
Beomgeun Cho, Minki Hhan, Taehyun Kim, Jeonghoon Lee, Yixin Shen
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we study the requirement for quantum random access memory (QRAM) in quantum lattice sieving, a fundamental algorithm for lattice-based cryptanalysis. First, we obtain a lower bound on the cost of quantum lattice sieving with a bounded size QRAM. We do so in a new query model encompassing a wide range of lattice sieving algorithms similar to those in the classical sieving lower bound by Kirshanova and Laarhoven [CRYPTO 21]. This implies that, under reasonable assumptions,...

2024/1696 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
Revisiting the Robustness of (R/M)LWR under Polynomial Moduli with Applications to Lattice-Based Compact SO-CCA Security
Haoxiang Jin, Feng-Hao Liu, Zhedong Wang, Yang Yu, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography

This work conducts a comprehensive investigation on determining the entropic hardness of (R/M)LWR under polynomial modulus. Particularly, we establish the hardness of (M)LWR for general entropic secret distributions from (Module) LWE assumptions based on a new conceptually simple framework called rounding lossiness. By combining this hardness result and a trapdoor inversion algorithm with asymptotically the most compact parameters, we obtain a compact lossy trapdoor function (LTF) with...

2024/1695 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-22
Discrete Gaussians Modulo Sub-Lattices: New Leftover Hash Lemmas for Discrete Gaussians
Haoxiang Jin, Feng-Hao Liu, Zhedong Wang, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography

The Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL) is a powerful tool for extracting randomness from an entropic distribution, with numerous applications in cryptography. LHLs for discrete Gaussians have been explored in both integer settings by Gentry et al. (GPV, STOC'08) and algebraic ring settings by Lyubashevsky et al. (LPR, Eurocrypt'13). However, the existing LHLs for discrete Gaussians have two main limitations: they require the Gaussian parameter to be larger than certain smoothing parameters, and they...

2024/1689 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
Homomorphic Encryption with Authority
Joohee Lee, Joon-Woo Lee
Public-key cryptography

Fully homomorphic encryption enables computations over encrypted data, which allows privacy-preserving services to be held between a server and a client. However, real-world applications demand practical considerations, especially concerning public safety and legal investigations. Existing FHE schemes focus solely on privacy, neglecting the societal risks posed by criminal activities utilizing privacy-preserving services. This paper introduces Homomorphic Encryption with Authority (HEwA), a...

2024/1669 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
The Role of Message-Bound Signatures for the Beyond UnForgeability Features and Weak Keys
Samed Düzlü, Patrick Struck
Public-key cryptography

In the present work, we establish a new relationship among the Beyond UnForgeability Features (BUFF) introduced by Cremers et al. (SP’21). There, the BUFF notions have been shown to be independent of one another. On the other hand, the analysis by Aulbach et al. (PQCrypto’24) reveals that one of the BUFF notions—message-bound signatures (MBS)—is achieved by most schemes. To achieve BUFF security, there is the generic BUFF transform that achieves all the beyond unforgeability features. The...

2024/1668 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Modelings for generic PoK and Applications: Shorter SD and PKP based Signatures
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni
Public-key cryptography

The Multi-Party Computation in the Head (MPCitH) paradigm has proven to be a versatile tool to design proofs of knowledge (PoK) based on variety of computationally hard problems. For instance, many post-quantum signatures have been designed from MPC based proofs combined with the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Over the years, MPCitH has evolved significantly with developments based on techniques such as threshold computing and other optimizations. Recently, Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation...

2024/1644 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
A Tight Lower Bound on the TdScrypt Trapdoor Memory-Hard Function
Jeremiah Blocki, Seunghoon Lee
Public-key cryptography

A trapdoor Memory-Hard Function is a function that is memory-hard to evaluate for any party who does not have a trapdoor, but is substantially less expensive to evaluate with the trapdoor. Biryukov and Perin (ASIACRYPT 2017) introduced the first candidate trapdoor Memory-Hard Function called Diodon which modifies a Memory-Hard Function called Scrypt by replacing a hash chain with repeated squaring modulo a composite number $N=pq$. The trapdoor, which consists of the prime factors $p$ and...

2024/1638 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-17
Modular Reduction in CKKS
Jaehyung Kim, Taeyeong Noh
Public-key cryptography

The Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) scheme is renowned for its efficiency in encrypted computing over real numbers. However, it lacks an important functionality that most exact schemes have, an efficient modular reduction. This derives from the fundamental difference in encoding structure. The CKKS scheme encodes messages to the least significant bits, while the other schemes encode to the most significant bits (or in an equivalent manner). As a result, CKKS could enjoy an efficient rescaling but...

2024/1637 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-11
Bootstrapping Small Integers With CKKS
Youngjin Bae, Jaehyung Kim, Damien Stehlé, Elias Suvanto
Public-key cryptography

The native plaintexts of the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) fully homomorphic encryption scheme are vectors of approximations to complex numbers. Drucker et al. [J. Cryptol.'24] have showed how to use CKKS to efficiently perform computations on bits and small bit-length integers, by relying on their canonical embeddings into the complex plane. For small bit-length integers, Chung et al. [IACR eprint'24] recently suggested to rather rely on an embedding into complex roots of unity, to gain...

2024/1619 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-18
Structure-Preserving Compressing Primitives: Vector Commitments, Accumulators and Applications
Stephan Krenn, Omid Mir, Daniel Slamanig
Public-key cryptography

Compressing primitives such as accumulators and vector commitments, allow to rep- resent large data sets with some compact, ideally constant-sized value. Moreover, they support operations like proving membership or non-membership with minimal, ideally also constant- sized, storage and communication overhead. In recent years, these primitives have found numerous practical applications, with many constructions based on various hardness assumptions. So far, however, it has been elusive to...

2024/1617 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-10
Algebraic Equipage for Learning with Errors in Cyclic Division Algebras
Cong Ling, Andrew Mendelsohn
Public-key cryptography

In Noncommutative Ring Learning With Errors From Cyclic Algebras, a variant of Learning with Errors from cyclic division algebras, dubbed ‘Cyclic LWE', was developed, and security reductions similar to those known for the ring and module case were given, as well as a Regev-style encryption scheme. In this work, we make a number of improvements to that work: namely, we describe methods to increase the number of cryptographically useful division algebras, demonstrate the hardness of CLWE from...

2024/1608 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-09
Mild Asymmetric Message Franking: Illegal-Messages-Only and Retrospective Content Moderation
Zhengan Huang, Junzuo Lai, Gongxian Zeng, Jian Weng
Public-key cryptography

Many messaging platforms have integrated end-to-end (E2E) encryption into their services. This widespread adoption of E2E encryption has triggered a technical tension between user privacy and illegal content moderation. The existing solutions either support only unframeability or deniability, or they are prone to abuse (the moderator can perform content moderation for all messages, whether illegal or not), or they lack mechanisms for retrospective content moderation. To address the above...

2024/1607 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-09
Tighter Proofs for PKE-to-KEM Transformation in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Jinrong Chen, Yi Wang, Rongmao Chen, Xinyi Huang, Wei Peng
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we provide new, tighter proofs for the $T_{RH}$-transformation by Jiang et al. (ASIACRYPT 2023), which converts OW-CPA secure PKEs into KEMs with IND-1CCA security, a variant of typical IND-CCA security where only a single decapsulation query is allowed. Such KEMs are efficient and have been shown sufficient for real-world applications by Huguenin-Dumittan and Vaudenay at EUROCRYPT 2022. We reprove Jiang et al.'s $T_{RH}$-transformation in both the random oracle model (ROM) and...

2024/1587 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-13
Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Cyclotomic Prime Moduli
Robin Geelen, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

This paper presents a Generalized BFV (GBFV) fully homomorphic encryption scheme that encrypts plaintext spaces of the form $\mathbb{Z}[x]/(\Phi_m(x), t(x))$ with $\Phi_m(x)$ the $m$-th cyclotomic polynomial and $t(x)$ an arbitrary polynomial. GBFV encompasses both BFV where $t(x) = p$ is a constant, and the CLPX scheme (CT-RSA 2018) where $m = 2^k$ and $t(x) = x-b$ is a linear polynomial. The latter can encrypt a single huge integer modulo $\Phi_m(b)$, has much lower noise growth than BFV...

2024/1585 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-07
Quantum Money from Class Group Actions on Elliptic Curves
Hart Montgomery, Shahed Sharif
Public-key cryptography

We construct a quantum money/quantum lightning scheme from class group actions on elliptic curves over $F_{p}$. Our scheme, which is based on the invariant money construction of Liu-Montgomery-Zhandry (Eurocrypt '23), is simple to describe. We believe it to be the most instantiable and well-defined quantum money construction known so far. The security of our quantum lightning construction is exactly equivalent to the (conjectured) hardness of constructing two uniform superpositions over...

2024/1582 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-11
Halving differential additions on Kummer lines
Damien Robert, Nicolas Sarkis
Public-key cryptography

We study differential additions formulas on Kummer lines that factorize through a degree $2$ isogeny $\phi$. We call the resulting formulas half differential additions: from the knowledge of $\phi(P), \phi(Q)$ and $P-Q$, the half differential addition allows to recover $P+Q$. We explain how Mumford's theta group theory allows, in any model of Kummer lines, to find a basis of the half differential relations. This involves studying the dimension $2$ isogeny $(P, Q) \mapsto (P+Q, P-Q)$. We...

2024/1574 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-06
Scalable Two-Round $n$-out-of-$n$ and Multi-Signatures from Lattices in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Qiqi Lai, Feng-Hao Liu, Yang Lu, Haiyang Xue, Yong Yu
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we construct the first asymptotically efficient two-round $n$-out-of-$n$ and multi-signature schemes from lattices in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts (FSwA) paradigm. Our protocols can be viewed as the QROM~variants of the two-round protocols by Damgård et al. (JoC 2022). A notable feature of our protocol, compared to other counterparts in the classical random oracle model, is that each party performs an independent abort and still...

2024/1572 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-05
Bounded Collusion-Resistant Registered Functional Encryption for Circuits
Yijian Zhang, Jie Chen, Debiao He, Yuqing Zhang
Public-key cryptography

As an emerging primitive, Registered Functional Encryption (RFE) eliminates the key-escrow issue that threatens numerous works for functional encryption, by replacing the trusted authority with a transparent key curator and allowing each user to sample their decryption keys locally. In this work, we present a new black-box approach to construct RFE for all polynomial-sized circuits. It considers adaptive simulation-based security in the bounded collusion model (Gorbunov et al. - CRYPTO'12),...

2024/1569 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-06
The Supersingular Isogeny Path and Endomorphism Ring Problems: Unconditional Reductions
Maher Mamah
Public-key cryptography

In this paper we study several computational problems related to current post-quantum cryptosystems based on isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. In particular we prove that the supersingular isogeny path and endomorphism ring problems are unconditionally equivalent under polynomial time reductions. We show that access to a factoring oracle is sufficient to solve the Quaternion path problem of KLPT and prove that these problems are equivalent, where previous results either...

2024/1564 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
A Simple Framework for Secure Key Leasing
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Takashi Yamakawa
Public-key cryptography

Secure key leasing (a.k.a. key-revocable cryptography) enables us to lease a cryptographic key as a quantum state in such a way that the key can be later revoked in a verifiable manner. We propose a simple framework for constructing cryptographic primitives with secure key leasing via the certified deletion property of BB84 states. Based on our framework, we obtain the following schemes. - A public key encryption scheme with secure key leasing that has classical revocation based on any...

2024/1563 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-13
Optimized One-Dimensional SQIsign Verification on Intel and Cortex-M4
Marius A. Aardal, Gora Adj, Arwa Alblooshi, Diego F. Aranha, Isaac A. Canales-Martínez, Jorge Chavez-Saab, Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho, Krijn Reijnders, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography

SQIsign is a well-known post-quantum signature scheme due to its small combined signature and public-key size. However, SQIsign suffers from notably long signing times, and verification times are not short either. To improve this, recent research has explored both one-dimensional and two-dimensional variants of SQIsign, each with distinct characteristics. In particular, SQIsign2D's efficient signing and verification times have made it a focal point of recent research. However, the absence of...

2024/1553 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
STARK-based Signatures from the RPO Permutation
Shahla Atapoor, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Al Kindi
Public-key cryptography

This work describes a digital signature scheme constructed from a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a pre-image of the Rescue Prime Optimized (RPO) permutation. The proof of knowledge is constructed with the DEEP-ALI interactive oracle proof combined with the Ben-Sasson--Chiesa--Spooner (BCS) transformation in the random oracle model. The EUF-CMA security of the resulting signature scheme is established from the UC-friendly security properties of the BCS transformation and the pre-image...

2024/1537 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-01
VOLE-in-the-head signatures from Subfield Bilinear Collisions
Janik Huth, Antoine Joux
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce a new method to construct a signature scheme based on the subfield bilinear collision problem published at Crypto 2024. We use techniques based on vector oblivious linear evaluation (VOLE) to significantly improve the running time and signature size of the scheme compared to the MPC-in-the-head version.

2024/1535 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-01
Relaxed Lattice-Based Programmable Hash Functions: New Efficient Adaptively Secure IBEs
Xingye Lu, Jingjing Fan, Man Ho AU
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce the notion of relaxed lattice-based programmable hash function (RPHF), which is a novel variant of lattice-based programmable hash functions (PHFs). Lattice-based PHFs, together with preimage trapdoor functions (TDFs), have been widely utilized (implicitly or explicitly) in the construction of adaptively secure identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. The preimage length and the output length of the underlying PHF and TDF together determine the user secret key and...

2024/1528 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-14
Schnorr Signatures are Tightly Secure in the ROM under a Non-interactive Assumption
Gavin Cho, Georg Fuchsbauer, Adam O'Neill
Public-key cryptography

We show that the widely-used Schnorr signature scheme meets existential unforgeability under chosen-message attack (EUF-CMA) in the random oracle model (ROM) if the circular discrete-logarithm (CDL) assumption, a new, non-interactive and falsifiable variant of the discrete-log (DL) problem we introduce, holds in the underlying group. Notably, our reduction is tight, meaning the constructed adversary against CDL has essentially the same running time and success probability as the assumed...

2024/1519 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-16
Efficient theta-based algorithms for computing $(\ell, \ell)$-isogenies on Kummer surfaces for arbitrary odd $\ell$
Ryo Yoshizumi, Hiroshi Onuki, Ryo Ohashi, Momonari Kudo, Koji Nuida
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. Recently, many isogeny-based cryptosystems using isogenies between Kummer surfaces were proposed. Most of those cryptosystems use $(2,2)$-isogenies. However, to enhance the possibility of cryptosystems, higher degree isogenies, say $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies for an odd $\ell$, is also crucial. For an odd $\ell$, the Lubicz-Robert gave a formula to compute $(\ell)^g$-isogenies in general dimension $g$. In this...

2024/1510 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Group Factorisation for Smaller Signatures from Cryptographic Group Actions
Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Alessio Meneghetti, Edoardo Signorini
Public-key cryptography

Cryptographic group actions have gained significant attention in recent years for their application on post-quantum Sigma protocols and digital signatures. In NIST's recent additional call for post-quantum signatures, three relevant proposals are based on group actions: LESS, MEDS, and ALTEQ. This work explores signature optimisations leveraging a group's factorisation. We show that if the group admits a factorisation as a semidirect product of subgroups, the group action can be restricted...

2024/1507 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Unbounded ABE for Circuits from LWE, Revisited
Valerio Cini, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

We introduce new lattice-based techniques for building ABE for circuits with unbounded attribute length based on the LWE assumption, improving upon the previous constructions of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan (CRYPTO 16) and Goyal, Koppula, and Waters (TCC 16). Our main result is a simple and more efficient unbounded ABE scheme for circuits where only the circuit depth is fixed at set-up; this is the first unbounded ABE scheme for circuits that rely only on black-box access to cryptographic...

2024/1495 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Lattice-Based Vulnerabilities in Lee Metric Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Anna-Lena Horlemann, Karan Khathuria, Marc Newman, Amin Sakzad, Carlos Vela Cabello
Public-key cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...

2024/1486 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-26
Adaptively Secure Attribute-Based Encryption from Witness Encryption
Brent Waters, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables fine-grained control over which ciphertexts various users can decrypt. A master authority can create secret keys $sk_f$ with different functions (circuits) $f$ for different users. Anybody can encrypt a message under some attribute $x$ so that only recipients with a key $sk_f$ for a function such that $f(x)=1$ will be able to decrypt. There are a number of different approaches toward achieving selectively secure ABE, where the adversary has to decide...

2024/1481 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-23
Tighter Adaptive IBEs and VRFs: Revisiting Waters' Artificial Abort
Goichiro Hanaoka, Shuichi Katsumata, Kei Kimura, Kaoru Takemure, Shota Yamada
Public-key cryptography

One of the most popular techniques to prove adaptive security of identity-based encryptions (IBE) and verifiable random functions (VRF) is the partitioning technique. Currently, there are only two methods to relate the adversary's advantage and runtime $(\epsilon, {\sf T})$ to those of the reduction's ($\epsilon_{\sf proof}, {\sf T}_{\sf proof}$) using this technique: One originates to Waters (Eurocrypt 2005) who introduced the famous artificial abort step to prove his IBE, achieving...

2024/1480 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-21
On Schubert cells of Projective Geometry and quadratic public keys of Multivariate Cryptography
Vasyl Ustimenko
Public-key cryptography

Jordan-Gauss graphs are bipartite graphs given by special quadratic equations over the commutative ring K with unity with partition sets K^n and K^m , n ≥m such that the neighbour of each vertex is defined by the system of linear equation given in its row-echelon form. We use families of this graphs for the construction of new quadratic and cubic surjective multivariate maps F of K^n onto K^m (or K^n onto K^n) with the trapdoor accelerators T , i. e. pieces of information which...

2024/1477 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-21
Signature-based Witness Encryption with Compact Ciphertext
Gennaro Avitabile, Nico Döttling, Bernardo Magri, Christos Sakkas, Stella Wohnig
Public-key cryptography

Signature-based witness encryption (SWE) is a recently proposed notion that allows to encrypt a message with respect to a tag $T$ and a set of signature verification keys. The resulting ciphertext can only be decrypted by a party who holds at least $k$ different valid signatures w.r.t. $T$ and $k$ different verification keys out of the $n$ keys specified at encryption time. Natural applications of this primitive involve distributed settings (e.g., blockchains), where multiple parties sign...

2024/1463 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-19
Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing with Elastic Thresholds and Distributed Key Generation
Junming Li, Zhi Lu, Renfei Shen, Yuanqing Feng, Songfeng Lu
Public-key cryptography

Distributed Key Generation (DKG) is a technique that enables the generation of threshold cryptography keys among a set of mutually untrusting nodes. DKG generates keys for a range of decentralized applications such as threshold signatures, multiparty computation, and Byzantine consensus. Over the past five years, research on DKG has focused on optimizing network communication protocols to improve overall system efficiency by reducing communication complexity. However, SOTA asynchronous...

2024/1454 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-17
Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism
Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Paul Rösler, Daniel Wichs
Public-key cryptography

Forward-Secure Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (FS-KEM; Canetti et al. Eurocrypt 2003) allows Alice to encapsulate a key $k$ to Bob for some time $t$ such that Bob can decapsulate it at any time $t'\leq t$. Crucially, a corruption of Bob's secret key after time $t$ does not reveal $k$. In this work, we generalize and extend this idea by also taking Post-Compromise Security (PCS) into account and call it Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (IKEM). Thus, we do not only protect confidentiality...

2024/1438 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-14
Anamorphic Authenticated Key Exchange: Double Key Distribution under Surveillance
Weihao Wang, Shuai Han, Shengli Liu
Public-key cryptography

Anamorphic encryptions and anamorphic signatures assume a double key pre-shared between two parties so as to enable the transmission of covert messages. How to securely and efficiently distribute a double key under the dictator's surveillance is a central problem for anamorphic cryptography, especially when the users are forced to surrender their long-term secret keys or even the randomness used in the algorithms to the dictator. In this paper, we propose Anamorphic Authentication Key...

2024/1432 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-13
On Multi-user Security of Lattice-based Signature under Adaptive Corruptions and Key Leakages
Masayuki Fukumitsu, Shingo Hasegawa
Public-key cryptography

We consider the multi-user security under the adaptive corruptions and key leakages ($\rm{MU^{c\&l}}$ security) for lattice-based signatures. Although there exists an $\rm{MU^{c\&l}}$ secure signature based on a number-theoretic assumption, or a leakage-resilient lattice-based signature in the single-user setting, $\rm{MU^{c\&l}}$ secure lattice-based signature is not known. We examine the existing lattice-based signature schemes from the viewpoint of $\rm{MU^{c\&l}}$ security, and find...

2024/1426 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-11
Agile Asymmetric Cryptography and the Case for Finite Fields
Anna M. Johnston
Public-key cryptography

Cryptographic agility, the ability to easily and quickly modify cryptography in a sys- tem, is one of the most important features of any cryptographic system. Any algorithm may be attacked and, at some point in time, be broken. The most obvious solution is to change the cryptographic algorithm, however this has high risk and cost. Another solution is to use agile algorithms. Agile algorithms have security parameters easily changed to increase protection against attacks. In this paper we...

2024/1418 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-11
Public-key encryption from a trapdoor one-way embedding of $SL_2(\mathbb{N})$
Robert Hines
Public-key cryptography

We obfuscate words of a given length in a free monoid on two generators with a simple factorization algorithm (namely $SL_2(\mathbb{N})$) to create a public-key encryption scheme. We provide a reference implementation in Python and suggested parameters. The security analysis is between weak and non-existent, left to future work.

2024/1417 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-11
Distributed Broadcast Encryption from Lattices
Jeffrey Champion, David J. Wu
Public-key cryptography

A broadcast encryption scheme allows a user to encrypt a message to $N$ recipients with a ciphertext whose size scales sublinearly with $N$. While broadcast encryption enables succinct encrypted broadcasts, it also introduces a strong trust assumption and a single point of failure; namely, there is a central authority who generates the decryption keys for all users in the system. Distributed broadcast encryption offers an appealing alternative where there is a one-time (trusted) setup...

2024/1416 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-10
Circuit ABE with poly(depth, λ)-sized Ciphertexts and Keys from Lattices
Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

We present new lattice-based attribute-based encryption (ABE) and laconic function evaluation (LFE) schemes for circuits with *sublinear* ciphertext overhead. For depth $d$ circuits over $\ell$-bit inputs, we obtain * an ABE with ciphertext and secret key size $O(1)$; * a LFE with ciphertext size $\ell + O(1)$ and digest size $O(1)$; * an ABE with public key and ciphertext size $O(\ell^{2/3})$ and secret key size $O(1)$, where $O(\cdot)$ hides $\mbox{poly}(d,\lambda)$...

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